Universal Advice For Child Custody Cases
It’s a sad reality that 50% of children in America today will witness the breakup of their parent’s marriage. Divorce takes an emotional and physical toll on everyone involved, but perhaps no one more than kids. Custody battles for children are often the most trying parts of a divorce and will only make things more difficult if a parent is not fully prepared.
Here at KTF Law Firm, our Minneapolis divorce lawyers have worked with hundreds of parents to retain custody of their children. Although every child custody case is different, there are some universal tips and best practices that we share with every client going through this unpleasant process:
- Work With Your Ex: You must be able to show the courts that you are willing to work with your ex to benefit your child.
- First Impressions are Everything: Put your best foot forward in every court appearance. Show up early, dress appropriately, and be respectful to the judge and court officials.
- Do What the Courts Ask of You: If a judge makes any requests of you, follow through immediately. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to your kids.
- Stay Positive Around Your Kids: Never talk negatively or vent about your ex while your children are present.
- Educate Yourself on Your Situation: Learn more about family law so you can know what to expect and avoid breaking any child custody laws.
- Always Be Truthful: This may seem like an obvious tip but we cannot stress enough how important it is to always tell the truth. Do not make up stories or lies to attempt to present your ex in a bad light.
Seeking professional legal services should be the first step in any child custody case. The child custody lawyers at KTF Law are here to help you understand your rights and stand by you through the whole process. Contact our Minneapolis law firm today, tell us about your situation at no cost, and let us position you for success